Publisher ‏ : ‎ Barbara A. Held (May 19, 2024)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 116 pages

Genre  :   MG Historical Fiction

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1734641721

Reviewer  :   Adrianna McCollum

Four stars – Timmy in the Old West


All Timmy wants is for the school bully to leave him alone. Things take a turn for the worse when the bully destroys Timmy’s Roy Rogers lunchbox, a cherished keepsake from his grandpa. The lunchbox was Timmy’s one connection to his beloved grandpa, the person who made him feel the safest. That is, until Timmy steps through a secret door and finds himself back in time on his grandpa’s ranch. The year is 1884 and, although his grandpa hasn’t been born yet, Timmy is surrounded by loving ancestors who teach him the value of hard work. Everything is going great—Timmy relishes living in the Old West and calls on his knowledge of the historical period to fit in—until another bully rears his head and threatens to ruin everything. In Timmy in the Old West, Timmy must figure out what it takes to stand up to bullies once and for all.


Barbara Held has reimagined the old west in rich sensory detail. Her meticulous research allows the reader to taste the sweetness of chokecherry jelly, to feel the rough texture of a lariat in the hand, and to hear the many sounds of ranch life, from a rooster crowing in the morning to the family sitting down for supper after a long day of hard work. Timmy in the Old West is a charming ode to life on a ranch in 1884. Held imbues the characters and setting with the same kind of love that gives Timmy the courage he needs to stand up to his foe. I recommend this book for any child who is bullied, as well as kids who love western settings, time travel, and historical fiction. But it’s not just for kids; this book would appeal to any adult who hankers for a vivid glimpse into the Old West.


Reviewer Adrianna McCollum writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. She won the 73rd Annual Jade Ring Writing Contest in Nonfiction for a memoir essay and is querying her MG fantasy novel Peregrine from the Stories. Read more about her at

Last modified: Thu, August 08, 2024 6:59 PM | Adrianna McCollum


Timmy in the Old West

Hi All-

I knew I hadn’t added to my website for quite a while. I didn’t realize how long it had been. But, I have been busy. I’ve been keeping busy with church, volunteer work, and keeping up with family and friends. And, I am almost ready to publish my next book. The following is the book description. I expect it will be available on Amazon in about a month, maybe sooner. The illustrator is finalizing the book cover, to be ready shortly.



Timmy’s life changed when his family moved into their new home. A new school, no friends and a bully making life miserable. After another distressing encounter with Leon, the bully, Timmy heads to his tree house. Crying, he thinks about his now deceased Grandpa who shared many stories about his upbringing on a cattle ranch. Grandpa would know what to do. Timmy yearned for this simpler life—a life away from Leon.

Still sniffling, Timmy suddenly feels himself drawn through the picture/door made by his dad for the tree house. He watches a buckboard pull up to a fence, a small boy sitting beside a cowboy. Then! Timmy is on the buckboard—instead of the other boy. How had this happened?

It is 1884! Is this a dream? Or time travel? Timmy misses his mom and dad but loves ranch life. He wants to go home—later. But for now, he is away from the bully—or is he?

Why is he here? To learn about ranch life? To be closer to his grandpa? To learn how to deal with bullies? How to protect himself? Or something more important about himself?



Mirror Image by Barbara Held

Middle Grade Historical Fiction, 95 pages                 Published in 2020

Reviewed by Bibi Belford, website:

Chores. Jennifer hates doing them, and procrastinates, promising she’ll finish them tomorrow. But Mom is done being patient, and when Jennifer gets an impromptu invitation to her favorite band’s concert, she’s not allowed to go. She stares into the mirror, shocked and saddened. And that’s when it happens—she’s pulled through the mirror portal to a farm in 1958 to take the place of Julie.

After a few days learning how farmers do chores, Jennifer travels through another portal, back to 1902, to Josie’s home, where the hard tasks of early settlers make Jennifer’s life in 2009 seem like easy street. The author has woven a faith-based worldview throughout the novel—the characters pray, sing Amazing Grace in each time period, and Jennifer believes that God has caused the time travel for a reason.

In Mirror Image, readers will glimpse two settings in history, both well-researched, where the character, like Marty in Back to the Future, finds out their actions in the past will influence them in the future. During each trip backwards in time, Jennifer has amnesia, and the author uses the clever convention of having secondary characters give her instructions on how to do the chores in that time period.

Jennifer mentions events that will happen in the future—sharing cancer research about smoking to the farm family who grows tobacco, and progress in civil rights to the early settlers whose father fought in the Civil War.

Jennifer’s travels reframe her view on chores, and when she returns to 2009, she’s had an attitude adjustment. This sweet little novel will be enjoyed by kids who are fascinated by the way things used to be. It’s an easy, quick read, with a positive message.

Reviewer: Before becoming an author, Bibi Belford was a teacher, reading interventionist, and literacy coach. She has a BA in English and Education, an MA in Bilingual Literacy and writes Middle Grade books. She’s the author of Canned and CrushedThe GiftCrossing the Line (Christopher Award Winner), and Another D for DeeDee (Starred Kirkus review). When not writing, she loves traveling, grandkids, and living in Chicago. Bibi’s goal is to write books to encourage kids to be everyday heroes and make positive changes in the world around them. She’s a member of CWA, WWA, Author’s Guild, SCBWI, ACWF, and the 12×12 Picture Book Writing Challenge.


Hannah, age 9: “I really enjoyed the book. I really enjoyed the time travel.”

Joanna, age 12 said, “I loved it!”


Faith/Baker City, Oregon Library

Barbara: I found a copy of Mirror Image in my box with a note that your sister brought it as a donation to our library. I am so happy to add it to our shelves. I enjoyed reading it very much myself and will be happy to recommend it to students. Thank you, and I hope you will keep writing.


Ackley Library <>

Hi Barb,

I just wanted to let you know that I just finished reading your book and I really enjoyed it! The different times were very believable as were Jennifer’s reactions. I especially liked the message you incorporated with it. To be thankful for the lives we are living is a message that many people need to hear, including young people.

Thank you again for reaching out to me and please let me know if you write any more books!

Katie, Director






It has been quite a while since I’ve posted anything on my website. For all of you followers who might be keeping track, I’m sorry for my lack of input. I have been writing–just not posting anything lately. I will try harder to add items in 2023.

For a little bit of any update; I have decided I’m not the kind of writer that can ignore everything else in my life. Over the years, I’ve heard people say your house doesn’t need to be so clean-let it go. Spend some time every day writing a little. My life is full of other things besides writing and so, I don’t always have time to write. I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I am involved in our church and am a volunteer through Neighbor to Neighbor, a county organization that helps the elderly. I enjoy getting together to play Mah Jongg with friends, trying hard to keep my brain functioning. My husband and I spend time playing cribbage and farkel, usually every day, and I try to help with shoveling (we’ve had a LOT of snow this year). And also, too, I am not as young as I use to be and so get tired sooner than I would like.

And, I have been writing. I am working on another time travel. This one is about a young boy who is dealing with a bully. He is somehow transported back in time to a ranch in 1884. Because of his grandpa’s stories, he loves the ranch; understands more what his grandpa was trying to tell him. But, the boy comes in contact with two more bullies. He can’t seem to get away from them. I am close to finishing the first draft and am sharing the story with two writers groups. As you may know, the editing portion takes time and so I am plugging along, hoping to have a new book out in 2023.

Blessings to all of you for a wonderful New Year.


If I Could Paint

If I could paint, I’d paint the sky.

I’d paint an eagle soaring high.

I’d paint a sunset’s golden hues

Red and orange, yellow, blues.

I’d paint the mountain’s snowy caps.

I’d paint some beagles taking naps.

I’d paint the trees in spring and fall.

I’d paint the beauty—paint it all.

But since I cannot paint at all.

I guess I’ll have to paint a wall.


Copywrite by Barb Held


To All –

I am praying for you. Yes, all of you. I believe we are all God’s children, which makes you my brothers and sisters.

My parents had four daughters and three sons (one who died at birth). We are a close family and I wish that for all of you.

I pray that God’s love will reach all of you this Christmas Day.  May you feel His love – His hope – His peace and

the Joy that comes from knowing you are a child of God.

I pray your 2022 will be filled with all good things. That you will find the Comfort God gives in hard times and the

Joy in good times. And, His Peace in all times. May His love fill your heart this Christmas season and throughout 2022.

And may you share that love with everyone, everywhere, whenever you can.

1 Corinthians 10: 23 & 24

In reading my daily devotionals, I came across the following. It seemed appropriate to share in this difficult time.

You say,” I am allowed to do anything” –but not everything is helpful.

You say, “I am allowed to do anything”– but not everything is beneficial.

Don’t think only of your own good. Think of other Christians and what is best for them.

1 Corinthians 10: 23-24  (Life Application Study Bible)

Let’s remember to look to the Bible for answers, to pray to God for guidance.

May God bless you all.





Great Grandma Elida Worman’s Poem

Mom gave me the following poem written by my Great Grandma Elida Worman. Mom thought it was written when she was a child because she remembers the log cabin Grandma writes about. Mom was born in 1930 and so this was a long time ago. I have not changed the poem and there was no title.


In a little log cabin quite cozy and neat, she sits by the fireside, toasting her feet.

Toasting her feet as she rocks to and fro, thinking of things that occurred long ago.

She’s thinking of days when her children were small. Her husband was robust and handsome and tall.

And she used to walk with a spring in her step but lately the years have claimed most of her pep.

Thus runs the memories, both bitter and sweet, as she sits by the fireside, toasting her feet.


But soon she awakes from her lone reverie and knows it is soon time to be brewing the tea.

And fixing the meal for her tired, hungry spouse, who’ll soon wend his way to the little log-house.

His axe on his shoulder, his cap drawn close, the cold wind is biting his cheeks, chin and nose.

Soon he’ll be stamping the snow from his feet and calling-“Mother, when do we eat?”


She turns from her work at the range with a smile. Says “T’won’t be long-you just rest for awhile.

I’ll take up the taters, the gravy and meat, bread butter and jam, maybe pie for a treat.

He takes off his mittens, his coat and his cap and washes his face while they merrily chat.

They finally sit down to eat their lone meal. The cheer they would feign is a far cry from real.


For they once knew the joy of a family not gone. Like others, they’ve drifted both hither and yon.

Now in their lonliness they think of the past and wonder why home-ties on earth cannot last.

The evening meal over, he goes to do chores, feeding the stock and closing up doors.

Seeing that windows and cracks are made tight to shut out the draft of a cold winter’s night.


His evening chores finished he turns to go back to his wife who is waiting in the little log shack.

He fills up his pipe and takes off his shoes and turns on the radio to get the late news.

Her dishes are done and all put away and soon they’ll be ready to call it a day!



The Big Red Thing

Smarty Pants Magazine, an on line magazine, has bought my children’s story The Big Red Thing. It is scheduled to be read on their site on May 16, 2021.

Hope you can tune in to listen to this story about two mice who solve the mystery of The Big Red Thing.


The Cowboy

My Dad told me when he was about four years old, he got a cowboy outfit for Christmas.

The following is inspired by his story.


The Cowboy


He was a short cowboy, about four feet tall.

His hair was dark, as were his eyes, along with mischief lurking there.

He wore his cowboy get-up, black hat and cowboy boots.

Holster and toy pistol on his hip.

Tough guy.

Standing on the fence, he lassoed a cow around her neck.

Wrapped the rope around a fence post.

Thing was—when the cow moved,

So did the fence.

That cowboy was in deep doo-doo.


Copywrite by Barb Held