A mother’s kind word and a pat on the head

Or reading to children just before bed

A father’s quick hug or a kiss on the cheek

Spending some time playing hide and go seek


Baking cookies with Grandma while singing a song

Books read by Grandpa all the day long

A comforting hand when someone is sad

Or a spank on the butt when someone is bad


A special connection ‘tween husband and wife

Sharing and caring through all of their life

When a husband will grill or mop up a floor

Will vacuum, do dishes, cleans bathrooms and more


Checking on shut-ins is not a hard task

Staying your distance and wearing your mask

It’s a word or a smile wherever you go.

Be kind to your neighbor. Let your love show.


Love is a noun but can be a verb too,
It’s great when you say it but better to do.


Copyright by Barb Held